Moment of Truth #4

Reality TV is warping my brain. It’s like a vacuum sucking me in, and I’m done for. There is no saving me, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and the Bachelor are my drug of choice and I proudly stand by my choices. Rehab may be in my near future, who knows, but for right now I am completely a-okay with my choices.

Judge me. I will accept that rose 😉

Don’t Watch Movies

You just broke up with your boyfriend.

For the last time.

STOP right there.

Put the remote down.

When going through a breakup do not watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Do not watch Hitch and don’t even think about watching Sex in the City. Yes this is blunt advice, but before you completely write me off keep reading!

Basically you shouldn’t be watching any movie that tells you that love conquers all. Look, I am not here to sound like a debbie downer, crush all your dreams, and sound like a cynical heartless bitch. Love is not complete bullshit. Believe it or not I am a hopeless romantic, just with the right person! I am trying to get you past the bullshit of ” he’s the only one for you”. Not to mention that I’m just trying to save you from a couple of months of heartache.

You two broke up. Process those words. That means that no matter how many times you watch Going the Distance it will not change your situation personally. Save yourself the trouble. Instead of trying to envision how perfect your lives would have been, try to focus on how perfect your life is going to be.

Work on that one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time to. Apply for that great job across country and move to a new city! Surround yourself with family and those who love you for the great person you are.

Go on that fabulous trip with your girlfriends, drink one too many margaritas and wake up the next morning with a story that will let your grandchildren know that you lived once too.

If there is anything that I’ve learned thus far in my life, it’s that life has just begun. Finding the man of your dreams will happen when you have found yourself. It may seem like you’re stuck in a rut, but this is just a curve in the road.

Now is the time to live your life to the fullest. Now is the time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. You can drink. Smoke. Have sex with that guy in the bar you just met. Hell you can have sex with a prostitute in Nevada (not my first recommendation, but it’s your life, this is a judgement free zone. I’d use a condom though 🙂 ) . Whatever it is, get up, turn off the DVD player, and let go of that guy you broke up with. Grab a drink with the girls and start over.

Trust me, you CAN do it.

“Everything that happens,happens and it couldn’t have happened any other way”.